God, Sex & You! With Dustin Daniels

The Passion Priority



Teach us to number our days so that we may truly live and achieve wisdom. — Psalm 90:12 The old adage is true isn’t it? The days are long, but the years are short. And when it comes to numbering our days, the priorities in our life must be addressed. The things that don’t seem like priorities seem to weasel their ugly little head to the forefront of our lives… and the truly important things….well, they tend to get pushed aside another day, another week…and so on. Today, I want us to think about ….our intimacy priority with our spouse. I want us to reflect on Psalm 90:12 and ponder how short life really is so that we can truly learn to live in the communion of God and in communion with our spouse through the lens of intimacy….a one flesh union - of husband and wife. So the big question for today is specifically for my dear married Sisters in Christ….Am I pursuing passion God’s way in my marriage? Guest: Linda Dillow & Dr. Juli Slattery Book: Passion Pursuit: What Kind of Love Are You Making? Website: http: