Mindfulness Mode | Interviews & Mindful Tips With Bruce Langford

The Horsemanship Journey; Shane Jacob



Shane Jacob is the founder of The Horsemanship Journey, seamlessly blending personal development with horsemanship. The Horsemanship Journey, under Shane Jacob's guidance, empowers individuals to tap into their internal horsepower. Through this transformative process, people cultivate the confidence and strength necessary to overcome perceived weaknesses, shaping themselves into the individuals they aspire to become. Shane Jacob is a Certified Life Coach, Professional Horseman, Entrepreneur, and Author. In another facet of his life, feelings of inadequacy during young adulthood led Shane to engage in excessive alcohol consumption. This destructive pattern culminated in a tragic DUI accident and subsequent incarceration, intensifying his sense of unworthiness. Enduring decades in an alcoholic haze, Shane grappled with the consequences, witnessing the erosion of relationships, earnings, and personal growth. At the age of 47, Shane, with the aid of horses and guided by a higher power, broke free from this destru