Kate Hastings Show

Understanding Emotional Eating



In this episode, I explore the limitations of using restrictive food rules to combat emotional eating patterns. While it may seem like a quick fix to turn to food as a solution for emotional problems, it often fails to address the root cause of the issue. By recognizing these behaviors without self-judgment, we can begin to understand the patterns and scripts our brains are conditioned to follow. When feeling anxious, it's common to turn to comfort foods like chocolate for relief. While eating may temporarily alleviate these feelings, it doesn't address the underlying emotional distress. Stress, anxiety, boredom, loneliness, sadness, or fatigue cannot be permanently fixed by food alone. Kate Hastings Podcast  Phenyx Fit Kate Hastings Podcast  Mental Health Coach      ________________________________________________________ Experience Virtual Regenerative Medicine, dedicated to optimizing your health with Mission Med+. Say goodbye to hassle and hello to safe, effective, and efficient care—the Mission Med Way!