Don Purdum's Podcast Blog

The Deathly Lie That Condemns Christians Who Unintentionally Believe It



Welcome back to another stimulating episode of the Full Armor of God podcast with your host, Fr. Deacon Don Purdum. In this episode, we delve into the challenges plaguing modern churches and trace their roots to an ancient heresy known as Gnosticism. We highlight the significant impact of Gnostic philosophy on the church's fragmentation. Take a deep dive into the key teachings of Gnosticism, which advocates the supremacy of knowledge above virtue and reserves understanding scripture to an exclusive group. These doctrines outrightly negate the New Testament teachings which uphold balance in knowledge and virtuous living. Through a comprehensive exploration of 1 John, we establish the reality of Jesus's incarnation—a concept rejected by the Gnostics. Join us as we dispel the darkness symbolizing sin and embrace the light which represents God's holiness and goodness. Dive into the potent significance of Jesus' blood in cleansing sin and grasp why the new covenant in Christ far outweighs the old. Understand the c