Iron Lords Podcast

E3 2018 Prediction Series:Sony | Jackmovejohnny | Jay Bari | All Day Digital



Welcome to The Iron Lords Podcast of The Inner Circle Network!ILP PATREON: @LordCognito 's Lordly Introductions begin with Lord @JackmoveJohnny !1:50- The Lordly Introductions continue with Lord @jay_baryYT !5:56- Lord @KingDavidOTW with a message to Lord @JayDubCity16! **No Combat Sports this week**7:10- "What Have the Lords been Playing?"16:27- Continuing the E3 2018 Prediction Series with Sony! The Lords give their preliminary thoughts!38:36- What does Playstation need to improve going into E3? The Lords chime in!57:26- Lord @Allday_Digital joins the realm!1:09:40- What "Drop the Mic/ Boot to the Neck" moments could Sony do to win E3? The Lords give their thoughts!1:42:34- The Lords discuss what we "DO NOT" need to see at Sony's E3 Conference!1:47:30- @LordCognito dropped from the realm, it's No Man's Land over here! The guests do their Outros!1:49:37- The show will go on! @LordCognito messages the Lords with one last question: What do the Lords think about E3