Ashton Gustafson | Let The Music Play

Episode 177: The Presence of the Infinite with Steve McIntosh



Steve McIntosh, J.D. is a leader in the integral philosophy movement and author of Developmental Politics—How America Can Grow Into a Better Version of Itself (Paragon House, 2020). He is president and co-founder of the Institute for Cultural Evolution think tank, which focuses on the cultural roots of America’s political problems.Steve is also co-author, with John Mackey and Carter Phipps, of the book: Conscious Leadership—Elevating Humanity Through Business (Penguin/Portfolio, September 2020). He has authored three previous books on integral philosophy: The Presence of the Infinite (Quest, 2015), Evolution’s Purpose (Select Books, 2012), and Integral Consciousness and the Future of Evolution (Paragon House, 2007).