Ashton Gustafson | Let The Music Play

Everybody Now



Everybody NowClimate Emergency and Sacred DutyWe’ve caused a turning point in the Earth’s natural history. Everybody Now is a podcast about what it means to be human on the threshold of a global climate emergency, in a time of systemic injustice and runaway pandemics. Scientists, activists, farmers, poets, and theologians talk bravely and frankly about how our biosphere is changing, about grief and hope in an age of social collapse and mass extinction, and about taking action against all the odds.On 19th October 2020, Everybody Now is being released by podcasters all over the world as a collective call for awareness, grief and loving action. With contributions from:Dr. Gail Bradbrook - scientist and co-founder of Extinction RebellionProf. Kevin Anderson - Professor of Energy and Climate Change at the University of ManchesterDámaris Albuquerque - works with agricultural communities in NicaraguaDr. Rowan Williams - theologian and poet, and a former Archbishop of CanterburyPádraig Ó Tuama - poet, theologian and