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Choose Wonder Over Worry with Amber Rae



Called "The Brené Brown of Wonder” by Mind Body Green and a “Millennial Motivator” by Fortune, Amber Rae is an author, artist, and speaker whose work invites you to live your truth, befriend your emotions, and express your gifts. Her writing blends raw, personal storytelling with actionable aha! moments, and has reached over 5 million people in 195 countries. Her public art has spread to more than twenty countries, and she's spoken to and collaborated with brands like Kate Spade, Apple, Amazon, Lululemon, and Unilever. She's been featured in The New York Times, TIME, Fast Company, BBC, ABC World News, Tim Ferriss's blog, and more.Previously, Amber helped launch six best-selling books as Chief Evangelist of Seth Godin's publishing experiment and started an "accelerator for your life" called The Bold Academy. She lives in Brooklyn and around the world with her fiancé, Farhad.