Coach Cameron Soccer

Hostile takeover of USYS? E757



FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  ARIZONA SOCCER ASSOCIATION JOINS UNITED STATES CONSORTIUM OF STATE ASSOCIATIONS  Phoenix, AZ (March 7, 2024) – The Arizona Soccer Association (ASA) announced today that it is joining the United States Consortium of State Associations (USCSA) as part of a seven-member expansion to the organization. With this announcement, the USCSA brings its current membership to a total of 14 state associations, representing more than 800,000 players.   “Arizona Soccer Association (ASA) is honored to be joining the Consortium of Soccer Associations,” said Jonathan Berzins, CEO of Arizona Youth Soccer. “The ability to connect and share with like-minded leaders and forward thinkers truly aligns with ASA goals and mission. ASA is excited about what this consortium can achieve for all membership in conjunction with a continued partnership with USYS.”  The USCSA believes that State Associations can provide an anchor in local soccer communities by providing exceptional service, resources and inspiration that