

You might be tempted to think from my sermon that Jesus lived a worry-free life (and expects us to as well). It is clear from Gethsemane that his life was far from worry free, but he knew how to face even extreme anxiety with the spiritual resources his Father provided. This is foundational for us too. But what about those whose "thorn in the flesh" (2 Corinthians 12:7) is anxiety and depression? I did not have time in this sermon to address this very important question, but there are some excellent resources that I recommend. One is a recent additional to our church library by Zack Eswine entitled:Spurgeon's Sorrows: realistic hope for those who suffer from depression. Another is a book recommended by Sanctuary Mental Health entitled I'm Not Supposed to Feel Like This: a Christian approach to coping with anxiety and depression. Check out other resources on the Sanctuary Mental Health website: