Winning Ponies

WP Welcomes Back Trainer Eric Reed and Writer Richard Eng



?Eric Reed is a lifetime horseman from a family of horsemen. His father Herbert trained for over 40 years apprenticing under the guidance of Mack Miller. Eric has trained since 1983 and has grown up with horses his entire life. The racing game has provided Eric and his wife Kay with unique, potentially career changing situations – none like the one they face in the days ahead. Like a kid waiting to get picked for a spot on the school yard baseball team, Eric is on the outside looking in, hoping to get in the Kentucky Derby game with his 3-year-old colt Rich Strike who sits three horses deep on the also-eligible list. What’s most amazing is not the fact that he has a Derby hopeful, it’s the fact that he is still in the racing game at all. In 2016, a devastating fire swept through one of the main barns at their Mercury Training Center and the Reed’s lost 23 thoroughbreds in the tragedy. Facing a mound of financial and emotional challenges after the gut-wrenching event, the Reeds had to give thought to changing