Messianic Teachings From Nachamu Ami Messianic Synagogue

The Eternal Gift of the Sabbath | Parashat Vayakhel



This week's parsha witnesses Israel moving past the golden calf incident and beginning anew the work on the Tabernacle. However, before the work commences, we encounter a brief reminder from HaShem to the people about the Sabbath. The traditional explanation for its placement here is compelling, but in this message, Rabbi Damian explores a deeper meaning behind the inclusion of these verses and explains just how powerful they may have been to the children of Israel. Join Shalom Macon Live! at 11am EST every Saturday (#Shabbat) for uplifting Worship Music and Teachings If you get value from our work, please consider Supporting Shalom Macon -- Ways to Support Shalom Macon -- Our Website | | PayPal | Text "GIVE" to (706) 739-5990 God provides for the work of Shalom Macon through the giving of those who benefit from that work and in turn, give generously to allow it to continue. Whethe