In China With Michelle Zou

Crossing Global Boundaries



When an expatriate is moving to China, it is incredibly challenging, not just for the expatriate, but also for the whole family to adapt, transit, and assimilate to the unfamiliar environment and culture. Cross-cultural Development with families is an essential ingredient to assist families in their adjustment and adaptation to a new culture and environment. Lesley Lewis, a psychologist, executive coach, author, culturalist, and the founder of Culture3Counsel Limited (, has worked with many families in transitioning into a new home. She also works with cross-cultural families and couples to understand how the dynamics of two or more cultures can affect the family unit. She has worked with TCK’s (Third Culture Kids) and ATCK’s (Adult Third Culture Kids), which is one of her special interests. Lesley has been living in Hong Kong for over 30 years, and lived in Canada and the United States. She has over thirty years in the Human Services Field.