Quantum Business Insights With Olivia Parr-rud

Collaboration 2.0: Emotional Intelligence and Resolutionary Thinking with Stewart Levine



In today’s highly specialized, global economy, it is no longer possible to do it alone. To take advantage of the wide variety of diverse opportunities and technologies, we must collaborate. It’s not only better for business. It can be much more enjoyable. However, it requires a new kind of intelligence – the kind that is rarely taught in business school – emotional intelligence. And it requires Resolutionary Thinking! On today’s show we’ll be discussing both. Through Collaboration 2.0, we’ll learn how to develop the critical mindset and learn the conversational skills that will make your collaborations powerful, creative, productive and sustainable, even in a digital environment. And we’ll learn to recognize the cycle of resolution: the dialogue process to reconcile differences and align human energy.