Quantum Business Insights With Olivia Parr-rud

Overcoming Our Immunity to Change



According to Harvard professors and founders of Minds at Work, Robert Kegan & Lisa Lahey, human capability will be a decisive success factor for companies in coming years. Yet despite costly organizational efforts to build human capacity (e.g., personal-development programs, leadership trainings), these efforts seldom engender long-term change. After decades of research, they have determined that these efforts are ineffective because leaders often ask people to make changes that go beyond their current level of mental complexity. The solution is to understand change as more than just something to ‘deal with’ or ‘cope with’ – skills that are inadequate for accomplishing long-term, adaptive change. Fortunately, Kegan & Lahey offer a process called ‘Immunity Mapping’ that unveils our blocks to change and provides insights into the steps necessary for long term, adaptive change. This week’s guest is renowned 'immunity' expert David Zeitler. Join us as we explore our Immunity to Change.