Do It For The Process

Share the Work -- How To Create a Beautiful, Unique BRAND



Join the LIVE workshops and get all the conversation, Q&A, extra goodness, and worksheets HERE. They are available through March 21st!    Let’s get to the heart of the issue: You need to elevate your BRAND. Yep. You. You have a brand. I know… It's weird.  And also kind of fancy! Let's talk about what a brand is before we get all bristly and closed off. A brand is far more than a logo. It is far more than your website. It's not your icons, graphics, images, the tiny alligator on your shirt, the label inside of your coat…   Your brand is the feeling people experience when they come in contact with your work. How cool is that! Now, allllll the things mentioned above absolutely matter and help to convey your brand, but they are not the brand. >>>> You are in charge of bringing value to your work. Your work might be lovely and you are authentically sharing it with your audience, but if you’re not presenting it beautifully and effectively, they won’t have the chance to appreciate it. As you create