Mindfulness Mode | Interviews & Mindful Tips With Bruce Langford

Striking A Chord; Asher Laub



Asher Laub is featured today with the title, Striking A Chord. Asher began classical violin training at the tender age of 2 and had already performed with the Buffalo Philharmonic by age 13. Asher’s expertise in trans-genre improvisation has led him to a career as a soloist in demand, performing at venues such as Madison Square Garden, Hammerstein Hall, Lincoln Center, the Jacob Javitz Center and across four continents.  Asher has also been featured on PBS, and has made headlines on CNN, WABC, and NBC and many other major news sources. Asher has performed meditative style music, yet he is also known for breakdancing across stages with his LED electric violin. He has also performed as a DJ violinist, bringing his experience as a live performer and technical prowess as an audio editing and mixing guru to countless clubs and stages across the country. Listen & Subscribe on: iTunes / Stitcher / Podbean / Overcast / Spotify Contact Info Website: www.AsherLaub.com Most Influential Person David Garr