Moirs Environmental Dialogues

Making Responsible Ocean Legislative Choices and Ocean Champions in Washington



Mike Dunmyer, Executive Director of Ocean Champions talks with Rob about advancing ocean conservation in Washington DC. Ocean Champions recently held an event attended by 20 legislators speaking passionately to clean up our oceans, to better ocean wildlife conditions, and to have less slimy beaches. Ocean Champions succeeds by being the political voice in Washington for ocean conservation. This c4 political nonprofit is not tax deductible because individual gifts influence decision-makers. Mike introduces Senators and House members who are working to save our oceans and who today face challenges in the upcoming elections. He also describes the ocean-worthy merits of new challengers of a few who are bad for oceans. Mike concludes with three ocean legislation items where we can assist during the lame duck period: reducing marine debris, harmful algal blooms that include ocean dead zones, and importance of catch-shares for fishermen from Alaska halibut to New England groundfish.