Moirs Environmental Dialogues

Climate Crisis and the River CAKEwalker



Grab a paddle and pull. Lara Hansen, PhD, will talk of how we can no longer disregard the inevitability of drastic climate change. So many decisive factors are affected that we are in crisis, a climate crisis that affects everything we do. Time to do something about it. Reducing emissions of greenhouse gases is a big piece of the solution puzzle. Yet, we also have to figure out how to deal with all of the effects of the climate crisis—from sea level rise to warming waters, less oxygen, to spread of disease. Climate crisis must factor into the decisions we make about natural resource management, human community development and how we live in changing watersheds. Dr. Lara Hansen of EcoAdapt will draw on ecosystem experiences and insights to offer proven tools for ecostewards. Tools include the Climate Adaptation Knowledge Exchange (CAKE) an innovative community of practice and the book Climate Savvy: Adapting Conservation and Resource Management to a Changing World (Island Press).