Drive All Night: The Songs Of Tori Amos

0601 Strange Little Girls - New Age



Efrain and David go over the bridge looking for, among other things, details about this mysterious Velvet Underground track and the first cover from Tori's 2001 album Strange Little Girls. Dive into the new season as an old debate emerges: that's right, the Sick Little WHAT debate is back and as ferocious as ever! Includes a fantastic interview with Lou Reed biographer Will Hermes, who also profiled Tori in Spin Magazine twice, as well as a chat with two New Age super fans, Matthew Barney and Stina Duval. Go deep inside the mind of this strange little girl through Neil Gaiman's words, Macy Rodman's voice, Reggie Doherty's costume sketches, and even a personalized song birth chart reading by our Resident Witch Amy K. As always there’s a ton of sound clips, rare interviews, forgotten moments and more, as well as a complete study of the live evolution of the song in our A-M-O-S Live Lounge™️. Last but not least, enjoy a brand new New Age remix by the legendary Joshua Speedbliss. Quit waiting for the phone to rin