Adventures In Angular

AiA 240: RxJS and Observable Forms in Angular with Sander Elias



SponsorsSentry use the code “devchat” for 2 months free on Sentry small planAngular BootcampTriplebyte offers a $1000 signing bonusCacheFlyPanelAaron FrostShai ReznikBrian Love Joined by Special Guest: Sander EliasEpisode SummaryIn this episode of Adventures in Angular, the panel talks to Sander Elias, Senior Principal Engineer at HeroDevs from Netherlands. Sander is also an Angular Google GDE.Sander created Observable forms, an alternative way to do forms in Angular which takes advantage of what the platform has to offer.Aaron also talks about his speech at ng-conf 2019 and his follow up blog post about the speech and why he felt the need to write it.LinksSander’s GitHubSander’s Twitter Sander’s LinkedIn Sander’s Mediumng-conf 2019Sander Elias - ng-confObservableForm GitHub Aaron Frost Blog PieceFollow Adventures in Angular on tv, Facebook and Twitter.PicksSander Elias:ng-conf 2019's BlogAngular 8 Release Aaron Frost:A is for Angular | Jo Hanna Pearce Melina