Adventures In Angular

AiA 233: Getting Serious with Schematics with Tomas Trajan



SponsorsSentry use the code “devchat” for 2 months free on Sentry small planAngular BootcampTripleByte offers a $1000 signing bonusCacheflyPanelAlyssa NicollAaron FrostJoe EamesShai Reznik Special Guest: Tomas TrajanEpisode SummaryIn this episode of Adventures in Angular, the panel interviews Tomas Trajan, software developer and Google Developer Expert for Angular from Zurich, Switzerland. Tomas explains what Angular Schematics is and how it simplifies a developer’s life. He goes through cases where Angular Schematics would be great to use. He explains some of the Schematics terminology such as rules and trees. He also explains that Angular CLI uses Schematics as well and that the panel is already using it when they are using Angular CLI. The panel then talks about the setup time and effort  it takes to start a project before they can actually code especially when there are other teams involved. Tomas explains that part of this setup effort could be avoided if companies with multiple developer teams used Sche