Adventures In Angular

AiA 223: Angular Ivy, React Fiber and Digging Into Frameworks' Source Code with Netta Bondy & Uri Shaked



SponsorsSentry use the code "devchat" for $100 creditAngular BootcampTripleBytePanelCharles Max WoodJohn PapaWard BellJoined by Special Guests: Uri Shaked and Netta BondiEpisode SummaryNetta is a senior web developer at a startup called Reali, although her degree is in social work. She also co-founded the largest community of women in research and Development in Israel. Netta and Uri are here to talk more about the talk they gave at FrontEnd Con about Angular Ivy and React Fiber. They share how this talk came to be. Uri and Netta compare Angular Ivy and React Fiber, which take different approaches to managing the cycle of code. The panel discusses whether or not there is an advantage to digging into the framework.Netta and Uri talk about some of the processes they explored while investigating Angular Ivy and React Fiber. They share techniques for not getting lost in the source code and delve into some of the differences between Angular Ivy and React Fiber. Through their investigations, they learned that the p