Adventures In Angular

AiA 199: RxJS with Ben Lesh, Tracy Lee, and Jay Phelps



Panel: Shai ReznikJoe EamesAlyssa NicollWard BellSpecial Guests: In this episode, the Adventures in Angular panel talks to Ben Lesh, Tracy Lee, and Jay Phelps about RxJS. Tracey is the co-founder of This Dot Labs, which does a lot for the JavaScript community and does JavaScript consulting, as well as is on the RxJS core team. Jay is also a co-founder of This Dot Labs and used to be on the RxJS core team. Finally, Ben is an engineer at Google, is the RxJS project lead there, and is on the Angular team. They talk about the changes to RxJS from the past year, the API changes for version 6, and more!In particular, we dive pretty deep on:Ben, Tracey, and Jay introsWhat happened in the last year with RxJS?No longer a test schedulerUsing real timersVersion 5 VS version 6TestScheduler.Run methodWon’t have to write code with injecting a schedulerWhat’s the best way to get started?Look at the docsUnderstanding Marble diagramsMany blog articles on Marble syntax out thereWasn’t originally designed for public consumption