Adventures In Angular

AiA 177: Angular's BuildTools Convergence with Alex Eagle



Panel: Charles Max WoodJoe EamesAlyssa NicollJohn PapaWard Bell Special Guests: Alex EagleIn this episode of Adventures in Angular, the panel discusses Angular’s BuildTools with Alex Eagle. Alex has been working on the Angular core team at Google for the past three years and works on developer tooling there. He discusses the advantages of using a new build system, Bazel, and how using this system could improve your coding across the board. They also compare Bazel to other Angular tools and talk about when you would want to integrate Bazel into your tool belt.In particular, we dive pretty deep on:Angular plumbingGoogle MonorepoBazel softwareMicro-servicesNot all tools need to be written JavaScriptPros of Bazel build systemCompilation in Angular CLITwo second ruleHow do you know when Bazel is good for you?Production mode vs development modeFeeling nervous about using BazelWant your CI to have cashingWhat does Bazel look like today?What will Bazel look like when your done with it?Take rules and compose them howe