Adventures In Angular

033 AiA Elementor with Andres Dominguez



Check out RailsClips on Kickstarter!! 00:58 - Andres Dominguez IntroductionTwitterGitHubBlogGoogle: New York01:47 - protractorSelenium WebDriverWebDriverJsJavaScript Jabber Episode #106: Protractor with Julie Ralph Julie Ralph03:50 - elementor[YouTube] Elementor, an improved element explorer for protractorelementexplorer[YouTube] Protractor's element explorer IDEsWebStormIntelliJ IDEA09:54 - Use Outside of Angular10:37 - The Name: “Elementor”11:11 - Conception => ProductionWriting TestsText EditorsSublimevim12:42 - Implementing Elementor / WorkflowTDD (Test-driven Development)14:39 - Testing a Non-Angular Website15:31 - Installing the Elementor Chrome ExtentionGoogle Developer Tools18:45 - Running in Emacs 19:47 - Plugins (    sjumpddescriber 20:47 - DebuggingPicksOpen Space Events and Conferences (Joe) Miracles and Massacres: True and Untold Stories of the Making of America by Glenn Beck (Chuck) DevDocs (Andres) Special Guest: Andrés Domínguez. Advertising Inquiries: