Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Transform Relationship Conflicts & Heal Childhood Wounds



Mass shootings, Covid, climate change, and all the stressors in the world and in our personal and work lives has caused most of us to be in a constant state of anxiety which often explodes into anger toward the people closest to us. A gesture, a tone of voice, or even a gentle touch can put us back into an earlier time in our life when we felt we weren’t good enough, we weren’t lovable, or we were in physical danger. It takes us out of the present moment and throws us into the past. Our survival brain takes over and triggers the fight, flight, or freeze response. Our logical mind is no longer in charge, and we act in ways that damage relationships important to us. This does not have to be the case. We can learn to respond, not react, and go from triggered to tranquil. Please join us Thursday to learn how to recognize our own triggers and those of people we care about, and techniques to heal ourselves and relationship misunderstandings.