Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

God, Love, and The Hidden Mystery of Human Connectedness



“Sometimes things happen that reveal an apparent pattern, plan, and meaning to the workings of the world. When this revelation occurs, it's as if the Universe winks at us to say, ‘now you're in on the secret!’ The ‘secret’ is the realization that an infinite, unitary intelligence pervades everything--what author Stephen G Post calls infinite Mind…and that love is a kind of metaphysical glue that holds things together and provides a delightful fizz to the whole show.” writes Dr. Larry Dossey, MD. My guest helps us understand the importance of synchronicity in our lives and how to recognize it; the importance of love, kindness, and generosity; and the hidden mystery of human connectedness. He prescribes volunteering for health, happiness, resilience, and longevity based on research showing volunteering lowers levels of inflammation, cholesterol, and the body mass index, and helps those with mental health issues such as depression and schizophrenia. Please join us Thursday to explore Stephen Post’s deep understa