Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

PTSD: Discovering Hope, Healing, Strength, and Silver Linings



June is National PTSD Awareness Month, which is why I scheduled Dr. Laurie to be with us this month. As Dan Rather says in the foreword to her new book: “When it comes to teaching how to not just survive life’s hardest blows but to eventually thrive, nothing beats a teacher who has learned through personal experience. Once a seasoned journalist but now a practicing psychotherapist, Dr. Laurie Nadel has written a compelling book that guides us through coping with life’s most troubling times.” Dr. Laurie lost her home during Hurricane Sandy. What she gained were true friendships and the gifts of humility, patience, empathy, forgiveness, and growth. She followed her intuition and then discovered that scientific research supported her. As we discuss in every show, there are always silver linings to even the most challenging situations. Please join us Thursday to learn how to heal from PTSD and embrace the gifts that give us hope healing, and strength.