Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

The Awakened Soul: Discovering the Light Within



Guides, Angels, Archangels, Spiritual Masters, and the Divine Source of Love are always with us. It is up to us to acknowledge their presence, communicate with them, and accept their help. Life becomes easier when we know we are not alone. With their assistance, we can discover our life purpose, recognize our deepest wounds, and learn how to heal ourselves. My guest understands that as we heal ourselves, we heal the world. During a pandemic and a war that threatens to spread beyond the Ukrainian borders, we need this message. When we heal, we release negative energy and refill with love, and that healing love goes outward effecting everyone and everything. We can spread fear and worry, or we can spread love and hope. Please join us Thursday to learn about our core wounds, unconscious programming, and how to become the bright light that we truly are.