Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Faeries are Real: Connect with their Magic, Power & Joy



Kac writes: “In either this life or a past incarnation, faeries became one with the purest energy and spirit of creation and now travel through the gates between the material and spiritual worlds, bringing ancient knowledge with them. They live in a reality where their souls are connected to what the ancients knew and we have forgotten. Their role is to bring that awareness back to us, and they will stay as long as it takes for us to believe. It may seem to us that they perform acts of magic, but the truth is we are all capable of magic and we are simply out of the practice of using our primordial gifts. Faeries can only exist where and when people believe in magic. What do you believe?” Stories of faeries are prevalent in cultures across the world from ancient times to present. Please join us Thursday to learn the rules of faery life, what trees and plants attract faeries, and rituals to connect with faeries and experience the wisdom and magic they can bring into our lives.