Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Empowering Women to Become Their True Self



Men’s way of thinking and doing has dominated our world and the structures in it for centuries. Women were generally excluded until relatively recently when they were allowed to work if they conformed to the dress code and behaviors that men had established. Women have spent so much effort learning how to fit into a male driven culture that they have not had the time or energy to look within. My guest empowers women to discover their authentic selves, passions, morals, values, and skills to create new ways of doing business, making money, defining beauty, and being in the world. Allison wrote: The Motherhood Center is a company with multimillions of dollars of revenue. In one year, without men, we were able to turn the business from losing money to being more than profitable.” The women making the decisions did not have degrees in business. They invented new systems using their native intelligence. Please join us Thursday to discover how women can become true to themselves in their personal and professional l