Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Opening Your Third Eye & Developing Your Psychic Abilities



We all have psychic abilities. They are a gift from God that many of us have not opened yet. Some are afraid that psychic abilities are evil. Some were shamed, ridiculed, or dismissed for talking about psychic experiences. Some believe that only a select few have these abilities, Others are so overwhelmed by fear and worry that they can’t access these deep levels of knowing. It’s time for each one of us to acknowledge the fullness of who we are and develop the psychic abilities that will make our lives easier, richer, and more fulfilling. We can all find answers to difficult problems by tuning in to our intuition and trusting our gut feelings. Fear does not have to keep us up at night or stop us in our tracks. We can even remove negative thoughts that plague us. We can all learn who we are on a spiritual level, receive messages from spirit guides, and raise our vibrational frequency. Please join us Thursday to learn how we can expand our awareness and consciousness and become enlightened.