Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Plant Spirit Healing: Communicating with Plants



Plants have always held an important place in my heart. I grew up with them and never questioned their rightful place in my home and garden. When my mother was older and living in an apartment, she would lovingly grow African violets from leaves. She would line the fledgling plants up on her windowsill, and when they grew roots, she would plant them in pots and give them as gifts to her friends. It was as normal to have plants in my home as it was to have furniture, and it was equally normal to have plants on my patio and in my backyard garden. It was only later in life that I started to understand the spiritual meaning of plants. I learned about the importance of plants in feng shui and that talking to plants and playing jazz or classical music from 1-3 hours a day helps them grow better. Then research started to appear on the benefits of being around plants, like reduced stress, accelerated healing, and improved relationships, compassion, concentration, and memory. Flowers make us feel happier, secure, and