Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

When We Die: Extraordinary Experiences at Life’s End



After my mother’s funeral, my sister told me she wished she could believe in an afterlife like I did. My belief was the result of numerous experiences that made it impossible for me to deny the afterlife. It began when on three separate occasions loved ones and friends appeared to me and asked me to help them transition to the other side. They were having trouble letting go of this world, and for some reason came to me for assistance. Later spirits would come to me with messages to convey to their loved ones. Sometimes I was close with the people and sometimes I was just having a superficial conversation with an acquaintance. I was given details that I couldn’t possibly know, which convinced the people I was relaying the messages to that they were authentic. Many of us have premonitions of death, near-death experiences, and afterlife communication. Some people readily accept these experiences and others think they’re making it up. When we allow ourselves to see the Universe with an open mind, as a place where