Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Floatation Tanks Are Changing People's Lives and The World



Professional athletes from the NBA and NFL, business leaders, celebrities, and creative professionals have been using floatation tanks for years. The benefits are well-documented, and include stress relief, rebooting the brain, and feeling a calm that lasts. Floatation tanks help people experience reduced stress and anxiety, muscle relief, improved focus, and an enhanced sense of well-being. The profound relaxation and peace people feel even stays with them during moments of extreme stress. Many people achieve deep meditative states, and Navy Seals decrease the amount of time it takes to become fluent in a language from months to weeks. Flotation tanks are a good way to unplug from the onslaught of technology and noise in our busy world. Commercial float centers are common across the United States and around the world making it easy for people to experience floating as an occasional treat or on a continuous basis. Please join us Thursday to learn more about flotation tanks and how we can all benefit by using