Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Unconditional Self-Love: Strategies that Work



“Unconditional love permits me to know what is true about me: I am right to be here! I am right to love myself! By grace alone, I am worthy.” Regina has discovered one of the most important truths of existence. It is easy to blame others for our unhappiness, our difficult circumstances, and our pain. I know because I did that for many years. It was only when I stopped blaming and started taking responsibility for my choices that my life began to change. No matter how bad it feels or how old we are, we can always choose to take back our power, forgive ourselves, love ourselves, and move forward into our best life. My guest went from living in over 30 foster homes and a psychiatric treatment center to putting herself through college with a scholarship and creating several successful small businesses. We can choose not to let our past define us. Regina writes: “No matter our walk of life, in my experience we always have the opportunity to expand our consciousness, come into awareness of our full potential, and g