Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Living Fully Awake and Open



Staying open, vulnerable, and accepting in the face of pain, hardship, grief, and fear sounds too hard. That’s our mind trying to protect our heart. In fact, it’s doing the exact opposite. Life is easier when we stop blocking our feelings and the truth of our experiences. In doing us, we allow ourselves to be fully human and experience all aspects of life. Resistance increases the very thing we are trying to avoid. Being open to what is happening, enables us to move through it with grace. We all have ways to protect ourselves from being open. We keep so busy that we don’t have time to process our feelings, or we use text messages instead of calling to avoid dealing with our own reaction to upsetting news or the other person’s reaction. Awareness is the first step in change. Once we become aware that we are prolonging our pain by trying to avoid it, we can choose to make new choices and to stay open. Please join us Thursday to learn how to live being fully awake and open.