Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

The Power of the Labyrinth



I discovered The Labyrinth when I was having trouble hearing my inner wisdom, silencing the confusion in my mind, and making healthy decisions. The way I was showing up in my life wasn’t working for me anymore, but I didn’t know what to do instead. The Labyrinth helped me release stuck emotions and outmoded ways of thinking and behaving, hear the Divine, and become more of my true self. I walked the Labyrinth often, bought a small finger Labyrinth to use at home, went on retreats, and led groups on Labyrinth walks. Each experience was unique and always profound. Businesses build teams and solve challenging problems. Families become closer and get spiritual guidance to work through difficult problems. Others receive physical healing. Mostly people use it for contemplation, spiritual wisdom, and to heal their heart, mind, and soul. Please join us Thursday to learn how the Labyrinth can heal, guide, and support us in our growth and evolution as individuals and groups.