Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Shamanic Mysteries of Peru: Love, Reciprocity, Gratitude



Machu Picchu is familiar to most of us. The Andes is also home to several equally important sacred places with a rich shamanic tradition from the Incas. Their power is even greater today due to changes in the earth’s vibrational field in the Andes. The higher frequencies are creating a planetary shift in consciousness there that is opening our hearts globally. We are preparing to receive the energies of joy, sweetness, and freedom. The pandemic and the resulting lockdown gave the earth, plants, animals, and our air quality time to recover and regenerate. It also gave us an opportunity to slow down, examine our lives, determine what is most important to us, who we are, and why we are here. The Andean shamanic tradition helps us connect to our authentic self and the universal principles of love, reciprocity, and gratitude. Please join us Thursday to discover how these traditions can guide us to a new level of consciousness that is collective, joyful, and soul-based.