Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Finding Joy in Tough Times



Living during a pandemic is a lot like being a firefighter. My guest writes: “Life brings with it anxiety, suffering, and tragedy; stuff happens. The world feels a mess. Our lives turn on that dime. Yet we each have the ability and the capacity to find joy…If we accept life for what it is, with no illusions, if we can keep our perspective when all around us individuals are losing theirs, if we take as fact that we will suffer and grieve, and finally, if we deeply commit to the understanding that the highest calling is service to others, then we have a shot at finding joy. This is what being a volunteer firefighter has taught me, and I want to share these lessons with you. Be brave. Be kind. Fight fires.” Life is uncertain, and we have never known when the unwelcome will occur. How we respond to what happens, more than the events themselves, defines the quality of our lives. Please join us Thursday to learn how we can find joy by living every day with calm, resilience, and optimism.