Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Root Out the Negative Voices and Achieve Your Goals



The internet is filled with simplistic advice on how to achieve goals. When we don’t succeed, we often feel defeated, depressed, anxious, and self-critical, all of which is misguided. The truth is that we have conflicting voices in our head. Some are supportive and some are critical. Some want us to move forward and others are feeding us information that cause us to question our capabilities, motives, commitment, time availability, etc. Some voices will throw out roadblocks that make our goals seem unattainable. These negative voices often sound like they’re helping us avoid pain when they are preventing us from experiencing joy. To move forward, we must discover which voices are harmful and which are helpful. We can then enlist the helpful parts of ourselves to accomplish the goals that will bring us the greatest inner rewards. Please join us Thursday to learn how to identify what is imprisoning you and free yourself to reach that elusive goal.