Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Predictions for 2021 and Beyond



I invite Dawon to come on my show every year because he has such a high accuracy rate. His predictions almost always come true within the year or the near future. For instance, last year, he predicted: a woman would be elected vice-president or president in the USA in 2020; and that we will have a Native American President before long. We saw this possibility emerging with the appointment of a female Secretary of the Interior who is the first Native American Cabinet secretary. Here is a glimpse of the new predictions he will share with us: an airline out of Europe will be developed that is more passenger friendly; New York City will create a subway system that makes travel 2 to 3 times faster; people will be able to communicate directly with their loved ones on the other side; and because people need hope, there will be more angelic help available to all of us. Please join us Thursday to hear what we can look forward to this year and moving forward into the decade.