Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Psychics Help Us Emotionally, Mentally, Physically & Spiritually



The U.S. military has psychic spies who do remote viewing, and my guest is in that group. Detectives ask her to help solve homicide cases. Marla can sense physical ailments before symptoms emerge and find structural problems in buildings without standing in them. Being a psychic is more than receiving messages from the other side and providing spiritual healing, although she does that also. As one of the most respected and gifted psychics in the USA, Marla Frees uses her gifts from Spirit to help others in ways that go beyond our usual way of understanding the world. She writes: “When we take responsibility for our behavior while we are alive, it not only helps everyone around us, but also the dead. When the dead accept responsibility, the living are able to feel the freedom, too. The pain of life and death can be transformed on both sides of the veil through love and forgiveness.” Please join us Thursday to be inspired by Marla’s story and learn new ways to heal.