Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

21 Days to the Love of Your Life



COVID-19 has been especially hard on people who want to find a partner. We can meet people safely with proper precautions. Loneliness and desperation, however, could lead to settling for someone who is not right for you. Because this 21-Day process generated such wonderful results, it was passed around quietly from friend to friend until Kac made it into a book. As the love of her life wrote: “Everyone in and out of a relationship should do this process. 21 days is a small investment for a lifetime of happiness. Look what I got!” Kac describes this as “a spiritual and psychological process of self-evaluation, emotional and mental clarity, internal examination, faith in yourself and trust in the power of the Universe to deliver exactly what you claim.” Everyone who commits to the full 21-day process is successful in finding the love of their life. That’s a powerful claim backed up by experience. Please join us to learn more about the process and how it works, even during COVID-19.