Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

The Shaman's Mind: Huna Wisdom to Change Your Life



Indigenous peoples foretold the upheaval and chaos we are experiencing now as part of a worldwide shift into higher consciousness. Leaders, teachers, healers and lightworkers are being prepared to usher in, as Jonathan says, “new ways of being—ways that include cooperation, generosity, sustainability, compassion, and love.” To do so, we must first attend to our own healing. Jonathan explains “…Shamanism is not ‘spooky’ or ‘other-worldly.’ It is a practical, down-to-earth, spiritual path that was designed to help us learn to live and love well.” It helps us transform our thoughts, intentions and beliefs into ways to heal ourselves. We can use these tools to heal trauma, pain and dysfunctional patterns, achieving wholeness, harmony and an openness to love. As co-creators of the world, we then energetically spread the love to others and the world. Please join us Thursday to hear why the current upheaval is important and how we can heal ourselves and the world with powerful Shamanic tools.