Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Thinking for Ourselves: Liberating the Mind



“Throughout history, thinkers…have been crippled by an ingrained bias toward their own views and the views of their preferred social groups” writes Dr. Elder. A current example is a popular video on LinkedIn, which supposedly reveals the secret to making a lot of money as a coach during Covid-19. His advice is that since people want certainty, coaches should sell expensive packages guaranteeing people certainty. It makes sense if you don’t think critically about life, business or coaching and if you value making money over integrity and truly helping others. Since the only certainty is that change is inevitable, coaches need to help people develop strategies to let go of what isn’t working for them, be flexible, accept change, go with the flow, and flourish in the midst of the chaos of change by embracing it and discovering the silver linings. Please join us Thursday to learn how, like Socrates, we can live the examined life, even in times of upheaval and doubt.