Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

The Spiritual Side of the Coronavirus



Every generation has painful times. They get our attention to help us find what we need to clear and change. This pandemic is for good and good alone. When humanity has learned what it needs to, it will pass and we will become a more loving, compassionate and kind world with respect and love for all people. Learn and grow from this pandemic by finding the hidden truths within yourself that haven’t surfaced until now. Each experience has a silver lining. Find yours. We can accept what we don’t like and can’t change and move into a new design for our lives, or we can stay stuck in the past, being miserable and resentful. Accept the grace of this pandemic, the fresh waters of a new day. Roll with the currents and see what this new world could be like with an equal playing field for all. Embrace the change. Come together, united and on the same team: Team Humanity. All for one and one for all. Please join us Thursday to discover the love, joy and blessing of bringing in a new world.