Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Verifiable Military Encounters with Extraterrestrials



Last year, the news media began reporting irrefutable evidence of UFO’s. There are even specially trained people within our government who communicate directly with aliens who have visited our planet or who have gotten stranded here when their ships crashed. Until recently the news media were forbidden to report these encounters believing that the public would not be able to handle the information. Now even more is being revealed. My guest’s new book presents his extensive research with verifiable evidence of a comprehensive military history of armed confrontations between humans and extraterrestrials in the 20th and 21st centuries. This is no longer solely the realm of science fiction. Many aliens come here from more advanced civilizations with a mission to help us grow. It is also true, however, that not all aliens are friendly. Please join us Thursday to learn more about the alien military encounters over the past century.