Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Psychic Abilities, Intuition, Oneness, Unity and Interconnectedness



The COVID-19 virus has helped wake us up to the fact that we are all in this together, we are all connected and we are all one. These ideas have been discussed for several years now. In my very first show on March 20, 2014, we talked about the research proving that we are all one. Now we are hearing Elton John and James Corden express these ideas to a worldwide audience on their recent television specials. My guest has been teaching about Oneness for 20 years. She will discuss: the scientific evidence for psychic abilities; how we are all psychic; how we can awaken, access and use your psychic and intuitive gifts; how we can connect with our higher self and re-establish trust and faith in our Divine Source; our Akashic Records; and The Universal Laws of Oneness, Unity Consciousness and Spiritual Interconnectedness. Please join us Thursday to learn more about accessing our psychic abilities, ascension and the all-important principles of Oneness. Unity and Interconnectedness.